Welcome to Intermezzo CHOIR!
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Get Started
Registration is NOT complete until payment has been received. Your child may start attending weekly rehearsal once registration is complete.
Registration MUST BE COMPLETE before submitting scholarship applications. Registration includes the form listed above and a minimum of a $25 registration fee.
The Chorus Provides:*
Red Vests
Black Skirts
The Parents Provide the following:
Black Opaque Tights (option 1)
Girls Black Character Shoes (option 1)
Black Dress Shoes (option 2)
Black Dress Pants (option 2)
Black Socks
Black Belt
*These items are the property of THE CHORUS and MUST be returned at the end of the concert season. The black pleated skirts and the red dresses must be professionally hemmed to fall right at the top of the knee - Not above or below.
No patent leather allowed for shoes or belts. If you have any questions please contact the Program Office at 904-353-1636, ext. 1 or email Dale Patrick.
Weekly Update: Week of March 3, 2025
Stay up to date with important information for your singer!
Weekly Updates are sent via email every Sunday and a copy is uploaded on the member portal on the following Monday.
*Best viewed on desktop.
Intermezzo Choir Calendar
This calendar contains upcoming rehearsals and events for the season.